Psihotest No1

Psihotest No1

Psihotest No1

What did SEOble contribute to the website of Psihotest No1

Website Design & Development, SEO Optimization, Google Ads PPC, Tech. Maintenance – SEOble Ltd.
• Code: Edge-Themes – Power Elite Author of Envato;

Results of Our Work

Detailed, comprehensive and easy to use website for the specific service;
SEO optimizationTop 3 in organic results for the priority key phrase “психотестове за шофьори” and other related keywords in the niche for the Bulgarian market;
Local SEO optimizationIn top 3 visible map results in SERP related to Google Maps;
More than 130 relevant key phrases rank the site in the top 10 results on the 1st SERP page;
PPC in Google AdsTop 1 ad. position in paid results for priority main and long term key phrases for the Bulgarian market;